Thursday, May 29, 2014

Friday, May 30

Target:  to continue annotating a source in order to form a claim about your area of investigation

If you haven't already, fill out this "Got Credibility?" form ONCE YOU HAVE FOUND A SOURCE YOU WANT TO USE to ensure that you have found a credible source:

 Copy and paste the source you have found into a copy of this document for you to record your annotations and work towards making a claim.  (Be sure to put it in your research folder.)

Fill out the details box that help support your question and then form a claim, based off the details you pull out of the article.  You will be sharing this claim with your group members on Monday.  

Thursday, May 29

Annotating a Source

Target: to find a good source of information on your area of investigation (one that helps you answer your question) that you can practice READING CLOSELY in order to come to a claim.

Begin today by finding a good source using the Napa Country Databases or the google search engine that will help you answer your inquiry question. If you found one yesterday that you emailed to yourself from the databases, you may use that one!

If you haven't already, fill out this "Got Credibility?" form to ensure that you have found a credible source:

 Copy and paste the source you have found into a copy of this document for you to record your annotations and work towards making a claim.  (Be sure to put it in your research folder.)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wednesday, May 28

Got Credibility?  

Today you and your group should narrow your search to one area of investigation and one question.

I would like you to try using the Napa County databases to see if you can find sources about your topic that you can trust.  Follow this link to the Napa Library websites:  You will need to open your GMAIL to access the ECARD you will create when you first get to this site.  This ecard is free and will allow you to access the valuable resources on the databases.

Continue to fill out your potential sources handout, looking for a minumum of two sources each.

When you are done,  fill out this "Got Credibility?" form to ensure that you have found a source you can use to annotate tomorrow and Friday:

If you have time, copy and paste the source you have found into a copy of this document for you to annotate tomorrow.

Thank you, Maya Angelou.   April 4, 1928- May 28, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuesday, May 27

Target: To conduct a pre-search for your area of investigation 

1.  In groups of 4, choosing two areas of investigation, conduct a pre-search for materials, completing the Potential Sources handout.

2. Consider the Area Evaluation Checklist

3. Use this padlet to brainstorm more questions related to your area of investigation. Get help from other groups to add more questions. 
1st period:

3rd period:

5th period:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Friday, May 23

Target: Conduct a pre-search for your three areas of interest, and assess credibility of the potential sources.

1. Review padlet from yesterday.

2. Together, we will fill out the potential sources handout using "How Twitter Works":

3. In groups of 4, choosing two areas of investigation, conduct a pre-search for materials, completing the Potential Sources handout.

3. Consider the Area Evaluation Checklist

4. Use this padlet to brainstorm more questions related to your area of investigation. Get help from other groups to add more questions. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wednesday, May 21: An article from a Study Sync Blast

Learning Target:  To read CLOSELY a potential source of information that might help you answer this inquiry question: 

How is social media changing the way we communicate?

 Link to source:

Fill out this analyzing details chart:

If you would like to read more on this subject, you can visit and sign in to watch videos and read more.  You can find it under the BLAST page on your account. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tuesday: Gary Snyder poem and NY TImes article

Research Project: Technology


NY Times article:

Guiding questions and answers go here:   1st period:  3rd perid  5th period:


Exploring the Topic:

Finding a potential area of interest:

Tool to record your conversation in your groups: Exploring the Topic Tool

Use this tool for making questions: Posing Inquiry Questions

Padlet link to share your group's questions: 1st period

3rd period:   5th period:

Monday:TURN IT IN and Begin Research Project

Target:  to turn in your final draft (whew!) and begin thinking about what research is and why it matters.

1. Drop your essay link here: to turn in your final draft.

2. Begin RESEARCH PROJECT--watch Mythbusters video.

3. Try agoogleaday:

Friday, May 16, 2014

Notes on a conclusion

Your essay should end by going back to the beginning of your essay.  Revisit your thesis (major claim) and bring me back out into your world.  How does this story apply to your life?  What do you think it is important to remember about Romeo and Juliet?  You want to try to bring in new thoughts and insights that come to you as you consider this text one last time.

Think of the upside down funnel as the basic structure for your essay.  Start with your thesis, discuss the play as a whole, and then bring me back to (y)our world.

Good luck!  Essays are due in class on Monday.


Target: to review the editing process and prepare your essay to turn in on during class on Monday.

 1. Review MLA formating rules:

  • Double-space your paper.  Eliminate large spaces between paragraphs.
  • Insert Header--Right align--Last name--Insert page number top corner.
  • put a heading in the top left hand corner
    • Looks like this:  Your name/ English 9/ LaMonte Period/ Literary Essay/day/month/year
  • Make sure you have quotation marks around your direct quotations and that you attribute (Romeo says,)  and cite every line or paraphrase of the text. 
  • Citations need to be punctuated like this: ... end of your quote" (Act.scene.line). 
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph. 
  • Make sure your font is consistent--12 point  No fancy fonts!
  • Give your paper a title that sums up your point.  Don't underline it.  Just capitalize every world (except articles and prepositions) and center it after your heading, before your essay.
  • Italicize the title Romeo and Juliet and be sure that you have spelled William Shakespeare correctly.
2. Grammar check:  
  • Spellcheck!  Review the suggestions, but be aware that spellcheck can't catch it all.  Be vigilant here!  Check for common errors:  there/they're/their  it's/its  who/whom  to/too
  • Read your (or your partner's paper) out loud.  Check for sentence errors: fragments, run ons, comma splices, fused sentences.
  • Find one place where you could combine sentences to avoid repetition.
  • Has the writer properly introduced each piece of text with context?  
PEER EDITING: SHARE YOUR PAPER WITH YOUR PARTNER on google docs. Set to comment only.  When you see an error in your partner's paper, comment on it and tell them what the problem is. For example, sp=spelling error, frag= fragment, ro=run on sentence, ^ insert missing word, cs=comma splice, fs=fused sentence, ???= can't understand what you are saying here/rephrase, 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday: Peer Response

Target:  To critically review another classmate's writing in order to give them feedback for revision.  

1. Go to  Log on is: NVUSDstudent #   password is a "locker number".  See me if you need this.

2. Open up your google doc essay.  Copy the entire essay by clicking control + a and then control + c to copy.

3. Go to your assignment in study sync.  Paste your essay in the space for writing using control  + v. Hit submit.

4. Go to REVIEWS tab on studysync.  Click on picture and assess the writing using the Odell Rubric.  You MUST leave some constructive comments for this writer!

       One should tell the writer what you like about the essay.  (its strength)

       One should suggest one thing the writer should change about the essay.  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wednesday: Writing your 3rd body paragraph

Today you have more time to work on the body of your Romeo and Juliet essay.   (At this point you all should be working in your doc titled "Your name's R & J essay." )

Tomorrow you will be working in groups to peer review your essays and give each other feedback.

Each body paragraph should have
  • a claim that is NOT a fact!  This is a conclusion that comes naturally from your thesis.
  • evidence/details from the text that support your conclusion about the text.
  • commentary that carefully and thoughtfully explains what you see in the details you cite.  

By tomorrow, you should have an opening paragraph, along with three body paragraphs.

Here is a link to the rubric we will be using: RUBRIC

Tuesday: Body Paragraphs

Target:  to write a body paragraph that supports your thesis, using a claim and at least two pieces of evidence, along with your commentary.

Here is structure to follow for each of your 3 body paragraphs:
  1. Point/claim #1  
FRAME:  "One reason I think that (your thesis) is because _________________"
  1. Context for first detail  (who is speaking, what is happening in the story--make it brief)
FRAME: At the beginning of the play, Romeo is in a state of despair because Rosaline doesn't love him back.  He says, "                                 
  1. First detail (citation) 
Remember citations look like this:  "this unworthy hand" (I.ii. 23-25).  (act. scene. lines)
  1. Commentary (1st sentence) on the diction in that detail.
These lines are important because......       "When Romeo uses the word "      " he shows that he is..."
  1. Commentary (2nd sentence) on "so what?" (AKA how does it support my point?)
This is evidence that (your theme) because........
  1. Transition/Context for second detail
  2. 2nd detail (citation)
  3. Commentary-parts one and two
  4. Make sure you bring the discussion back to your original point!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday: Begin building the body of your essay

Learning Target:  to write one body paragraph in google docs

In order to begin writing a body paragraph today, you will need to 

A) Copy and paste your OPENING (intro) paragraph into a new google doc titled "Your Name's R & J essay".  (this is also where you will be writing your body paragraph) SHARE IT with me.

B) Complete the detail collection chart---ask me for help if you need it!

Remember:  Your 1st body paragraph should look like this:

  1. Point/claim #1
  2. Context for first detail  (who is speaking, what is happening in the story--make it brief)
  3. First detail (citation)
  4. Commentary (1st sentence) on the diction in that detail.
  5. Commentary (2nd sentence) on "so what?" (AKA how does it support my point?)
  6. Transition/Context for second detail
  7. 2nd detail (citation)
  8. Commentary-parts one and two

Last ten minutes:  copy and paste your body paragraph (what you have so far) into this shared doc:  

1st period:

3rd period:

5th period:


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thursday's class

1.  Write your Opening Paragraph for your Romeo and Juliet:

2. Fill out review handout for Lesson 14 Vocabulary test tomorrow!

Wednesday: Gathering evidence

Today your writing target for your final essay is to find at least three pieces of evidence for each point or claim in your essay.

See my sample again:

Tomorrow you will be writing your introductory paragraph and reviewing vocabulary words for test on FRIDAY-Lesson 14!

Parts of an Intro Paragraph: review for tomorrow:

  • HOOK: Engage your reader!
  • introduce the book title, author and topic.  Briefly summarize the story (1-2 sentences)
  • THESIS-theme statement--this is main point that you are trying to prove!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

TUESDAY's Class: Gathering evidence to support your claim

Today we will breaking our thesis statement into distinct claims or points, in order to narrow our search for evidence to support our/your thesis.

By the end of the period, you should have at least two pieces of evidence for each point/claim.

See my model here:

Vocabulary Lesson 14 and Beginning your essay

Link to quizlet words for Lesson 14:

spend 5 minutes playing a game!

See below for work on your essay:  Today we will be opening up the doc we all copied on Friday, revising our thesis statements, coming up with an organizing scheme for your essay and gathering details to support that thesis.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Your Romeo and Juliet Essay: Writing Evidence Based Claims

Friday's Learning Target:  To understand what a 3 part claim looks like and form a thesis statement for your essay that could be broken up into 3 parts. 

1. Answer text specific questions from yesterday.  See the link in yesterday's post.  

2. Review a sample 3 part claim for Plato's "Apology" (thanks Mr. Title)

3. Here is a link to the prompt and pre-writing worksheet:

Make a copy of this document and put it in your English folder BEFORE you begin working on it.

Target for today:  Compose a solid theme statement and brainstorm ways to organize your essay in 3 parts.