Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thursday: "I neither know nor think I know."

Apology by Plato

Listen to paragraphs 4-9

The oracle is a priest or priestess who could deliver the prophesies of God.

1. What does Socrates think about the oracle's message?

2. What does Socrates do in an attempt to test the truth of the oracle's prophesy?

3. Why do Socrates' actions incite the anger of his peers?

Anubis: the Egyptian jackal-like god who represented reasoned judgment

In groups, work through these questions:

1. What realization does Socrates come to while trying to prove the oracle wrong?

2. Even though he knows he has angered many people with his interrogations, how does Socrates turn the argument around to his own benefit and make "the worse case look better"?


RTI rocked today!  Here is the link to the Diction worksheet and the Apology paragraph model and FRAMES for rewrite if you needed a bit more time to revise your paragraph.  (It is due TOMORROW if you didn't finish.)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


RTI Priority Day:  I will let you know today if you are REQUIRED to come to my intervention on Wedesday for COMMENTARY.

PLATO's Apology

Activity Three:  Read Aloud and Discussion

Class discussion questions in your "rock star" group*s:

1. What is Socrates being accused of?

2. How does Socrates make it clear that he is innocent?

3. In PARAGRAPH 3, Socrates says he is on trial because of a "certain kind of wisdom" he has.  What kind of wisdom is this?

LEADER--keeps the group on track with an eye on the clock
INVESTIGATOR--researches any background information, looks up key words if necessary
MATERIALS MANAGER--takes papers from teacher and turns in work for the group, properly labelled
RECORDER--writes down answers for the group, takes notes on the discussions, etc.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday's class: Chapter 1 of House of the Scorpion

Today we read the first chapter from The House of the Scorpion in order to get acquainted with the story and practice making claims based on details from the reading.

First, students filled out the ANTICIPATION GUIDE that will help students be aware of some of the big ideas at the heart of the book.

Then, we read Chapter 1. Students filled out the "FORMING EVIDENCE-BASED CLAIMS" chart using details that seem connected from only that chapter.

Most students are still struggling with the claim portion of this exercise.  A few students were able to tell me that, based on the examples they chose, they could see that this society seems pretty "messed up."

I shaped that into the following claim:  This story takes place in dystopian future.

We talked about how the word DYSTOPIAN comes from the word UTOPIAN, which refers to a perfect or ideal society, where everyone is happy and fulfilled.  DYSTOPIAN refers to a society where most are unhappy, a society that is diseased.  Many science fiction books, like The Hunger Games or The Giver, have a similar kind of setting, where there is little respect for human life.

see dystopian definition

Read to page 49 by Friday.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Today students:

1. took the vocab test on Lesson 8

2. checked out The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer.  We discussed what we know about the story based on the title, the pages of information before the story starts, and the first paragraph of the story.

3.  wrote paragraphs that answered the question: What is Socrates accused of?

         Each paragraph should have had  A CLAIM (your answer to the question).
                                                          DETAILS from paragraph 1 AND 2 that support that claim
                                                and     COMMENTARY that explains how the details helped you                                                                            answer the question.

Details should have been properly cited, whether they were paraphrased or not. :)

HOMEWORK is to Read to page 49 in HOS by  next FRIDAY. Bring your books to class on Monday so we can read chapter 1 together.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday's class: Plato's Apology Intro

Warmup: what is the perfect location for a classroom?  Write for 5 minutes in your journal.

Apology by Plato

Guiding question:What is Socrates being accused of?

1. Read the first two paragraphs TWO TIMES.

First time:  Circle key words(words that are important or words you do not know).

Second time: Underline sentences or phrases which help you answer this question.

2.  Write a paraphrase in the margin next to your underlined sentences.  

3. Share on ladybug with class. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday's class

Goal:  To present class claims and vote on them.

Activity 2: Independent Reading 

Read silently the first two paragraphs of the Apology text and answer this question:  

What is Socrates being accused of?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Today, you will fill out this handout: Assignment for FRIDAY.

Follow these steps please:

1.  Open the document above and go to FILE--Make a copy.


2.  Hit the red button on the left titled CREATE---FOLDER.



4.  Put your Copy of Study Sync Blast in your new English folder.

5. Read the attached stories and collect evidence from each one that leads you to a CLAIM or conclusion about the PAPARAZZI.  Put it on the document (you can cut and paste) and type in your explanation.

You get TWO points in CLASS DOJO if you can do this successfully!

Wednesday's class

WARM UP:  Velociraptor prompt  Have fun!

VOCABULARY NOTES ON LESSON 8:  if you are absent today, see the quizlet link under my "pages" (to the right).

SHARING CLAIMS from yesterday's viewing of the last few minutes of The Sopranos. 
    I take notes---you vote!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day One: Plato's "Apology": Making Evidence-Based Claims

Learning Target:  Today we will begin to think about how to create claims that are based on evidence.

Intro (15 min)

A claim is a conclusion that you might make based on your experience that you want others to think about. 

What are some claims you might make about "school lunches" at VHS?

Consider these claims that must be supported by key details:

It is cold outside.

The paparazzi go too far.

Smoking is hazardous to your health.

Curley's wife acts like a tart because she feels powerless and trapped.

Activity: Video

Watch the final scene from The Sopranos.  Discuss and watch again, keeping track of key details.

10 minutes: In groups, choose three details that are related. Discuss and write down what you think of each of the details. Then, write down how they are connected.

10 minutes: Make a claim about the details.  Discuss with the class.

Class Business: Week 1

When you have a moment in the next few days, please fill out this form so I have an updated gmail address that you will use for this class this semester.

Also, if you read a book over the break, please fill out this form by the end of next week to earn extra credit in English.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Welcome back!

Today we will head to lab after I have passed back your final exams, so that you can read my feedback and consider the strengths and weaknesses of your writing.

Once you have logged on to the computer network, please access the rubric I shared with you, either through your gmail or your google drive account.

With your paper in hand, please read my comments and follow the link to the rubric.

When you are ready to add a comment to this document, please add one that responds to my feedback by telling me IN YOUR OWN WORDS, 1) one thing you did well and 2) one thing you need to work on for next time.

Here is a short tutorial on adding comments if you don't know how:

If you do this before class is over, try out STUDY SYNC at 
Use your school log on to log in with NVUSD in front of your id.  
Go to BLAST page.  Read.  Post a blast!