Target: to continue annotating a source in order to form a claim about your area of investigation
If you haven't already, fill out this "Got Credibility?" form ONCE YOU HAVE FOUND A SOURCE YOU WANT TO USE to ensure that you have found a credible source:
Copy and paste the source you have found into a copy of this document for you to record your annotations and work towards making a claim. (Be sure to put it in your research folder.)
Fill out the details box that help support your question and then form a claim, based off the details you pull out of the article. You will be sharing this claim with your group members on Monday.
Copy and paste the source you have found into a copy of this document for you to record your annotations and work towards making a claim. (Be sure to put it in your research folder.)
Fill out the details box that help support your question and then form a claim, based off the details you pull out of the article. You will be sharing this claim with your group members on Monday.