Sunday, March 30, 2014

Welcome back! Getting re-acquainted with the characters from Romeo and Juliet

Act One:  Which character is most like you?

Today we are getting good at supporting claims about characters with evidence from Act One. By the end of class you will begin writing a paragraph that makes a claim that states which character is most like you in their attitude towards love and/or marriage.  

1. (20 min) Watch Act One, scenes 2-4. 

2. (5 min) Review the characters (see post from last week with the list) and their attitudes.

3. Fill out a "Forming an evidence-based claim"  handout that should simply state what that character's attitude is toward love and/or marriage, based on quotations from Act One, scenes 1-4.

4. Begin writing the paragraph, starting with your claim and providing context for the 2-3 pieces of evidence you will use to support your understanding of this character and how he/she relates to you.

Your commentary about the chosen lines from the play should explain how this line is "a mirror" for your attitudes about love/and or marriage.

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