Monday, April 14, 2014

Learning Target:  Speaking and Listening

Collaborate and Discuss
Data: Socratic Seminar / Student-Centered Discussion

1) Prepare for discussion and follow guidelines for the conversation

2) Present ideas and claims clearly, using details to support my claims

3) Pose good questions that are centered on the text

4) Make thoughtful connections between my ideas and others

Today, you will be PRESENTING your claim from yesterday to a small group (20 min) and filling out this self-evaluation**. (5-10 min). 


  1. Meet with the 3 other people assigned your number.  
  2. Assign the oldest member the position of TIMER.  He/she may use his phone as a stopwatch.
  3. PRESENTER: Share your claim and explain the details you found to support your claim. You have 5 minutes to share and answer questions.
  4. LISTENER:  Ask questions AND/ OR tell the group how this claim relates or connects to your claim.  What patterns do you notice in the text?
  5. Fill out the self-evaluation hyperlinked above.

 **Make sure to make a copy of the self-evaluation and put it in  your English folder, of course.

Last 15 minutes: AUDIO LINK

 Listen to Act 3, scene 1 and submit your answer to one of these questions as your "exit ticket:

What do the author's words cause me to see or feel?

What words or phrases are powerful and unique?

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