Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday: Group claims

Learning Target: In your table groups, today you will be making a claim about a theme using connections between the characters in Act Three in Romeo and Juliet.

1. (5 min) After we are finished watching Act Three, get into your groups and discuss the patterns of behavior you notice among all the main characters in the play.  You can use the back side of the Making Claims chart.

2. (5 min) As a class, we will list those connections on the board.

3. (10 min) As a group, take that connection and use it to form an intelligent statement about what you learn about that topic from reading/watching Act Three.  Line up the evidence underneath.

For example,  in Act One, you might make a theme statement (claim) that reads like this:

Connection:  family loyalty/war

Theme:  Sometimes the love for "family" can drive us to hate others and create chaos and violence out of peace. 

    Evidence:  The servants who hate each other only because they are members of the opposite family.
    Evidence: Romeo says about the aftermath of the fight scene, "Here's much to do with hate, but more with love."
    Evidence:  Tybalt wants to fight Romeo at the party in order to establish Capulet honor....Romeo's presence there is an insult and should not be tolerated, even though Romeo brings only love with him.

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